Saturday, October 25, 2008

President JFK WARNS! OF SKULL AND BONES Secret SOCIETY, Did George (Herbert Walker) Bush help to kill JFK?


Tim Russert Dead at 58, Russert's physician, Dr. Michael Newman, said cholesterol plaque ruptured in an artery, causing sudden coronary thrombosis, after saying he had him on high blood pressure pills and aspirin! Did his doctor kill him?
NBC's Tim Russert dies of heart attack at 58
Skull and Bones

JFK Jr. Tragedy - Was he murdered? 'Whoever wanted JFK Jr dead has to have powerful ties...'Jeff Samuels - National Examiner! New proof he was poisoned before he flew plane---the substance has been traced to a chemical weapons lab U.S Military Base'.

JFK Jr 43th president of the United States? No it never happened!

George Bush Sr, Skull and Bones, and the JFK Assassination!
Thomas S Gates Jr Secretary of Defense.

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