Thursday, August 26, 2010

Senator Bill Nelson:

Are you aware that certain people who work for federal government agencies; like the FBI and Homeland Security use satellite and surveillance aircraft to collect all type of intelligence from our personal lives using our cellular phones without a warrant?
They Freelance...

Senator Bill Nelson does:

Dear Mr. Fermoso:

Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and its Domestic Intelligence and Operations Guide (DIOG), which establishes the FBI’s internal rules and procedures.

I am a strong supporter of protecting privacy and civil liberties, and I feel we must not embark on unconstitutional practices as we give law enforcement new authority. I will do all that I can, under the constitution, to protect the citizens of this country without curtailing our precious individual freedoms. Balancing America's national security needs with personal privacy rights poses a difficult challenge, and I am committed to preserving the rights of Americans to both privacy and security.

Thank you for contacting me regarding this issue. I agree that we must work vigorously to protect individual freedoms during this difficult time.

Senator Bill Nelson

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