EKvision's Blog, for the past and present.
Your comments and thoughts are welcome.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Major Update: 08/23/2010
They drove up to me in a burgundy color, 2002 Chevy Tahoe SUV and asked me a dump ass stupid question, both men where wearing black tank top shirts and had ripped muscular arms with tribal tattoos on both arms with Haitian gang type long big Dreadlocks with some small beeds down to the middle of there back.
The passenger of the SUV asked me, If I knew were some address was, in other words he wanted me to turn my back on him so he could shoot me, luckily I have a concealed carry handgun license and was armed with my 9MM Semi Automatic Handgun with 19 in the magazine clip and one in the chamber. I put my hand on my XDM9 handgun, but I couldn’t draw because I didn’t see there weapon, but I knew it was there, he had it on his freaking lap..
I yelled at them go ahead try it, try it without pulling my weapon out of my holster and maneuvered tactically until the passenger dropped his weapon on the floor of the SUV, they picked up there hands and slowly drove away. When he dropped his gun, It sounded like it had a large magazine clip. Submachine gun, Mac or something.. This happened right after I called NYPD at the 44 pct about former Army General and Secretary of State Colin Powell.
These guys looked real dangerest
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Senator Bill Nelson:
They Freelance...
Senator Bill Nelson does:
Dear Mr. Fermoso:
Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and its Domestic Intelligence and Operations Guide (DIOG), which establishes the FBI’s internal rules and procedures.
I am a strong supporter of protecting privacy and civil liberties, and I feel we must not embark on unconstitutional practices as we give law enforcement new authority. I will do all that I can, under the constitution, to protect the citizens of this country without curtailing our precious individual freedoms. Balancing America's national security needs with personal privacy rights poses a difficult challenge, and I am committed to preserving the rights of Americans to both privacy and security.
Thank you for contacting me regarding this issue. I agree that we must work vigorously to protect individual freedoms during this difficult time.
Senator Bill Nelson
Monday, May 10, 2010
Join Me at the NRA 139th Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC: Featuring special guest Sarah Palin, Former Governor of Alaska and Vice Presidential Candidate and Lt. Colonel Oliver North and Chuck Norris to this unique, members-only event.
I will be in Charlotte North Carolina, May 12 to May 16, 2010.
I'll See you there.
Please visit: http://www.nraam.org/ for more information about this great event.
The Right to Bear Arms, A well regulated militia necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed!
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.
We most protect this right for ourselves and our children, Amen.
Well its all come to end now, The 139th NRA Annual Meeting and Convention at Charlotte North Carolina is now over. For myself I got to meet Lieutenant Colonel, Oliver North of FOX NEWS at his book signing.
I heard Mrs. Sarah Palin, Chuck Norris and other important speakers, speak on our Second Amendment rights. I enjoyed the event, There were over 70,000 NRA members here in Charlotte, NC. Americans who believe there's still hope for this great country of ours the United States of America.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Army specialist Megan Lynn Touma was found dead on June 21, 2008 a day after my birthday in her motel room bathtub located just outside of Fort Bragg Army Base in North Carolina and a week after I met her in Tampa, Florida.
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
She told me her choice was to go back to Germany or they had an available assignment at Fort Brigg, North Carolina. I regretfully told here that I had been to Fort Brigg when by brother was in the army special forces and it wasn’t that bad of a place and if she did not want to go back, she should take that assignment.
Megan Lynn Touma appeared to be a young patriot, a proud Army Soldier believing in the integrity of our countries system. she had just reenlisted in the United States Army.
Megan Lynn Touma, a 23 year old Hispanic soldier, who was seven months pregnant when her body was found decomposing in a motel room near Fort Bragg, N.C
Houston we have a fu***** problem! Around that time in June 21, 2008 the Joint Chief was considering a 280 million dollar housing project for Fort Brigg Army Base. After this Zodiac' killer event by Megan Lynn Touma ex-boy friend (Married Sgt. Edgar Patino) the pentagon Joint Chief of Staff approved the Fort Brigg Army Base Housing Project...
Conspiracy to commit a murder! Someone at DOD had heads up on her psycho killer ex-boy friend intentions and set her up. Microwave Intelligence and organized crime, were all Fu****.
I notified the Tampa Police Department Homicide Division, a Police Detective by the name of Detective Robinson tried to contact me. I returned his call, but we never made contact... she told me she had received a strange e-mail from someone saying the pentagon was the shape as the star of the Church of Satin
May: Army specialist Megan Lynn Touma rest in peace,
I'm so sorry...
Warning there has been clear and present danger from Washington DC and Organized Crime..
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Warning there has been clear and present danger from Washington DC and Organized Crime
Major Update: 08/23/2010
On one morning in the month of June of this year 2010 in broad day light, Two male black hatian type gang members made a move on me in the Atlanta, GA area.
They drove up to me in a burgundy color, 2002 Chevy Tahoe SUV and asked me a dump ass stupid question, both men where wearing black tank top shirts and had ripped muscular arms with tribal tattoos on both arms with Haitian gang type long big Dreadlocks with some small beeds down to the middle of there back.
The passenger of the SUV asked me, If I knew were some address was, in other words he wanted me to turn my back on him so he could shoot me, luckily I have a concealed carry handgun license and was armed with my 9MM Semi Automatic Handgun with 19 in the magazine clip and one in the chamber. I put my hand on my XDM9 handgun, but I couldn’t draw because I didn’t see there weapon, but I knew it was there, he had it on his freaking lap..
I yelled at them go ahead try it, try it without pulling my weapon out of my holster and maneuvered tactically until the passenger dropped his weapon on the floor of the SUV, they picked up there hands and slowly drove away. When he dropped his gun, It sounded like it had a large magazine clip. Submachine gun, Mac or something.. This happened right after I called NYPD at the 44 pct about former Army General and Secretary of State Colin Powell.
These guys looked real dangerest and can be cold blooded street killers for hire. I would like to know who sent them?
I remember, August of 1992 my grandfather had past away and I took my ex wife and two kids to San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA to pay our final respects and to stay for two weeks.
During our stay we visited the town were I as born and my family in Yauco, Puerto Rico, USA When I was there I met up with the war hero in the family my uncle retired USMC Master Gunnery Sergeant: Wallace T. Dejesus (Recommended two times for Sergeant Major of the United States Marine Corps.) Retired the Marine Corps after being past up in 1991 for Sergent Major of the United States Marine Corps: Harold G. Overstreet.
During our conversation he showed me his Vietnam War memorial museum he was building in his garage. It was incredible, it really took you back to the war in Vietnam. The death and all the loss of life. He was a Platoon Sergeant with the USMC 1st Marine Division Force Reconnaissance working special operation missions in Vietnam war behind enemy lines. While he was showing me around his museum he showed me a picture of one of his platoons he commanded, he said they all died, I'm the only survivor in an ambush that took place in loas behind enemy lines.
He had taken (cut off ears) From his died enemy combatants and was wearing them around his neck in other pictures. He also told me that the bodies of those marines were lifted behind in loas by orders of higher command. Now for the shocking truth, the reason why they died was because higher command had ordered on an escort mission the escort mission was Heroin!
He told me that they were trafficking heroin in body bags to the United States, that when a soldier got killed behind enemy lines he was declare missing they would take his dog tags and boots and used then in the body bags for trafficking the drugs on USAF transport aircraft and to get them through customs in the United States.
I ask him who ordered you to this and escort drugs in the jungle and he responded General Colin L. Powell, I responded who, He said the current joint chief, you see him on television.
He than showed me his sharp Heartbreak Ridge type USMC Class A uniform with all those stripes and medals like in the movie Sniper 3 with Tom Berenger, I said oh my god is there any stripe lift that the marines forgot to give you? Well there’s sergeant major of the marine corps, I got past up twice so I retired. I wasn’t going to wait my whole life to become sergeant major of the marine corps. But I love the marines and I miss it.
He then show me all his award medals and the first one he showed me and spoke about The Medal of Honor he had just received a month before from the white house with a letter from President George H. W. Bush.
He explained the white house had invited him to attend the white house presidential medal of honor award ceremony. But he had respectfully declined.
I said good bye, I'll be back next year, but I never did.
If I only know the value of that information than, the danger that political dirt has, I would not be writing this here from a semi truck at a truck stop today.
Mrs. Kay Griggs The former wife of Colonel George Griggs, Chief of Staff Marine Atlantic, head of Psychological Operations, we've had the same problem, similar tactics.
Military Political Dirt... Its very dangerest!
Master Sergeant Wallace T. Dejesus was a life long proud United States Marine, he love the Marine Corps, after that, I lifted Yauco Puerto Rico USA and about a week later return back to Queens, NY. he join the local Veterans association or group VFW maybe? not sure, they voted and made him president of Yauco Veterans association.
He pass away of a heart attack on 12/13/2000. Death by natural causes, But he was in better shape then myself and only 53 yrs old..
Worst then that! The month prior to his death he visited Manhattan (NYC) New York with Cardinal John O'Connor, the archbishop of the New York at Saint Patrick's Cathedral recipient of the Congressional Gold Medal and former Rear Admiral and Chief of Chaplains of the US Navy. Mr. Wallace T. Dejesus died shortly after returning back to Yauco, Pureto Rico in December and Cardinal John O' Conner in January the following after there meeting in NYC.
When the White House learned of the loss of a hero USMC Master Gunnery Sergeant: Wallace T. Dejesus death.
President George W. Bush, sent sincere words of Condolences in a letter signed by the President to his wife and my Aunt.
Many Years back, I was told by someone that General Colin Powell was with the Black Mafia organized crime syndicate and I did not pay attention to that street info.
I think Major Colin Powell of the Americal Division (23rd Infantry Division), then as assistant chief of staff of operations for the Americal Division in Vietnam, and future presidential hopeful at the time when he died and future Secretary of State of the United States had him Killed! Like someone tried to have me killed...
By using Poison.
You know, my uncle Wallace never knew that I worked for at the time Colonel Colin Powell's father lou walker Powell at Sagmore Printing on Houston Street in NYC when I was 16 yrs old as a part time messenger and I got to met the Colonel too. He must have been wacthing my family ever since the fail drug heroin escort mission in loas.
Was Major Collin Powell handling security for Leslie "Ike" Atkinson a former US Army sergeant and convicted drug trafficker, thought to have been a major figure in smuggling heroin into the United States from about 1968 to 1975 for Drug lord Mr. Frank Lucas and the Harlem Drug trade since he himself is from Harlem, New York City?
There has been a couple of attempts on my life since then, but still here getting my memory back..
Hey, look what I found! Powell possible address of Interest:
Anthony Powell - Son
1300 Mohican Drive
Birmingham, AL 35214
Alma J. Powell - Wife
220 W. 93rd Street
Apt 12A
New York, NY 10025-7494
Alama B. Powell
1380 Mohican Drive
Birmingham, Al 35214-3812
Alma Powell
1717 Bellevue Avenue
Richmond, Va 23227-396
Household person names are:
Mr. Anthony Powell
Mr. Wayman D. Powell
Ms. Angela Powell
Mrs. Dorothea Powell
Mr. Willaim Poewll
Mr. Colin Powell
Mrs. Alma V. Powell - AKA: Alma V. Johnson
10/24/2009 (CNN) -- Five tanks were still burning Saturday evening at a fuel storage complex in Puerto Rico, another 12 were still smoking but posed no danger and four had burned themselves out and collapsed, Gov. Luis Fortuno said.
Hundreds of firefighters have been battling the blaze at the Caribbean Petroleum Corp. facility in the municipality of Bayamon, near San Juan, since shortly after midnight Friday. The initial explosion shook the ground with the force of a 2.8 magnitude earthquake.
FBI Special Agent Harry Rodriguez confirmed Friday that the agency is investigating graffiti found on two San Juan tunnels that referred to a fire. A spray-painted message on the two tunnels, less than three miles apart, said: "Boom, fire, RIP, Gulf, Soul, ACNF."
Caribbean Petroleum owns the Gulf Oil brand in Puerto Rico.
Rodriguez said he did not know what or who ACNF is.
Well, Let me try!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
President JFK WARNS! OF SKULL AND BONES Secret SOCIETY, Did George (Herbert Walker) Bush help to kill JFK?
Tim Russert Dead at 58, Russert's physician, Dr. Michael Newman, said cholesterol plaque ruptured in an artery, causing sudden coronary thrombosis, after saying he had him on high blood pressure pills and aspirin! Did his doctor kill him?
NBC's Tim Russert dies of heart attack at 58
Skull and Bones
JFK Jr. Tragedy - Was he murdered? 'Whoever wanted JFK Jr dead has to have powerful ties...'Jeff Samuels - National Examiner! New proof he was poisoned before he flew plane---the substance has been traced to a chemical weapons lab U.S Military Base'.
JFK Jr 43th president of the United States? No it never happened!
George Bush Sr, Skull and Bones, and the JFK Assassination!
Thomas S Gates Jr Secretary of Defense.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Saturday, December 17, 2005
The taking of TWA flight 800
TWA Flight 800 Disaster
There was "Millions of Dollars" in street money on the way to Paris, France.
Now some of my friends the TWA flight attendants and money carriers are dead and the millions are gone!
July 17, 1996 Thursday 20:31 JFK,
At the time of the crash, There was a US Navy Orion Spy plane flying at 20,000 feet, 1,000 feet over the expected 19,000 feet of TWA 800 heavy. "When the explosion took place the P-3 Orion aircraft was 3 miles south, south west of the TWA 800 heavy crash site".
It was a clear day, with gray sky's, 3 miles from one of three "Los Angles Class submarines " at the secretly planned CIA covert crash site ". Someone from one of the subs launched a Orion marine type of flair to signal a CIA operative on the Navy P-3 aircraft to destroy TWA 800 heavy......He then transmits his signal to destroy his target.
The secret "self-destruct" code was (4444). This code was received by the fuel flow indicator module and processed by the fuel indicator computer system, signaling a integrated electrical bus and read on the flight deck simultaneously, generating a Newton and sending it through the right side of the "FQIS" wiring to the "Center Wing Tank" Metallic Electrodes in the Fuel quantity indicator Probes. Destroying this military E 4-A converted back to passenger airliner. (Which never got turn over to the Iranian Military in 1976) and sadly killing 230 people.
Moments after the mid-air explosion, one of the three submarines participating in naval trails for the " U.S.S. Wyoming " (SSBN-742 a ballistic missile submarine). The U.S.S. Trepang (SSN-674) a Sturgeon-Class Submarine dives to join the other two or three submarines who have also been know to be part of CIA covert operations.
With all submarines under water the CIA campaign for the recovery of these 29" suit cases filled with money began.
Did they use a navy seal team launched from trident missile tubes?, boaters?, diver from the recovery ship "U.S.S. Grapple? or " Law Enforcement ? " Did law enforcement divers find a suit case filled with millions as well? or was one opened at the command center hanger and taken while no one was watching?
Navy divers conducted 677 surface-supplied dives and were part of the 3,167 SCUBA dives conducted by Navy, FBI, New York State Police, Suffolk County Police, and New York City Police divers. A total of 1,689 hours was spent on the bottom by all these divers.
* On December 15, 1975, "TWA 747-131, N 93119 S/N 20083" was ferried to the "Boeing military plant" in Wichita, KS to be prepared and sold to the Iranian Air force. This military plane was prepared as a E 4-A Domes day Military aircraft. (There has been CIA employed by aerospace plants here in the USA).
I was introduces to George Tenet, just about when he was a section chief for the CIA in the late" summer of 1986". (This was before the public's discovery of the Iran contra affair scandal on 3 November of 1986). By my boss and friend Rocco Marolla, he was my automobile sales Manager At Bayside Dodge, Inc the tri-state areas #1 dodge dealership and a retired wise guy from Las Vegas in the 1950's.
It turns out he was friends with many wise guys, including the late god father, John Gotti, SR. He used to put many auto deals together, sometimes using his street connections.
I remember Rocco used to send me home early on the closing day of almost every month, all I had to do is stop at the New York City Marshals Office right over the border in long island and hand him personally a large envelope, inside was Bayside Dodge new and used car customer print-out, (make of car, plate, customer address) for that month.
This valuable information would supply the New York City marshal with information to match his computers and reposes some of our customer’s cars for unpaid parking tickets. Where the bank would buy these cars back and sell them to Bayside Dodge at prices less than what the customer paid for, sometimes as much as $ 6,000.00 to $10,000.00, leaving the customer with unpaid bank loans and no car.
He also hired a man, whose family is from Houston, TX. He had just come back from Iraq, his name is Mr. Roland Blaum and at that time he had just lost all his wealth in oil drilling wells taken by the government of Iraq. Roland told me he was the now current President of the united states George W. Bush Jr's friend and partner in a failed oil drilling Business partnership with an oil well Drilling Company when they were younger.
After the meeting a few days later, he kept saying that something was wrong and asks me to drive him to TWA at JFK to check on a flight. (Only to check on a flight).
He tried to warn me that the meeting was soar and he felt something went wrong with the meeting and what was coming in on TWA. "I never asked any questions"
The Meeting took place at George Tenet father’s dinner in Queens, NY.
My friend died a few years later of natural causes.
"At the same time, I was dating a beautiful 22 year old gal, now a well known retired FBI profiler agent." (Candis Delong, Which I have recently seen on MSNBC News).
I now realized that we may have been broken apart. She never told me she was FBI and we never got to say good-bye to each other and "sadly" I never saw her again.... It turns out; my landlord at the time was Sam Fahad a (Saudi Arabian) who was son of a Saudi Prince and a descendant of the late King Fahad...
More to follow,
10/26/1996 - It's the same night of the New York Yankees big 3-2 wins over the Atlanta Braves World Series. I'm driving a taxi cab at AAA Taxi Floral Park, NY. It's about 2:00 AM - 10/27/1996...
I'm in the Dispatchers office waiting for my next fare, the Phone rings Artie answers, says man wants to go to Washington DC for $350.00. I pick him up in front of a middle class home in the town of Floral Park and we start rolling to Vienna, Va. While we spoke, he told me had $500.000 dollars in the police academy bag he had placed in the trunk of the cab and to be careful!! He also told me he had to meet a man an empty shopping mall parking lot at 7:00 AM in Vienna, VA were I was taking Him. (Oh yes did I forget to say I met former FBI official and convicted spy Robert Philip Hanssen in Baltimore, MD in the year 1999).
Weeks later, I notice 10 to 12 unmark sedans parked on the street behind an Iris pub in Floral Park, I also notice some of these sedans had been following me. I drove by, I stopped and check one of the sedans pull down plate and it was light NYPD. I then learn by asking cop friends, it was NYPD-FBI Joint Terrorist Task force that most of the computer cars at the time.
I was dispatched to pick up a fare in front of this Iris Pub and was told by a male customer, who had come out of the pub and was having a great time; that there were four NYPD cops Celebrating there Retirement and there were buying everyone in the bar round after round of "drinks" on them… nice retirement party!
Weeks after, about 03:00 AM, I'm standing in the parking lot of the Floral Park train station with a fellow cab driver big frank an ex US Customs federal agent who was fired for stealing pot at JFK airport.
While we were talking, we notice two men walking in to the Library; he said he knew one of them as FBI.
Later that weekend about 04:30 AM, I walk in the office and big frank asked me to go with him for a beer. He took me to an after hours bar, I never been to before on Northern Blvd in Queens. As soon as we pulled up to the bar, I question him, should we go in? We may have been followed? And he responded its ok; I didn't see anyone following us. While I was in this bar that I had never visited, I spoke to a gentleman wearing a nice dress shirt and a tie.
Stop unauthorized FBI, Homeland Security and DOD military microwave surveillance using our cell phones, Satellite GPS and radios.