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She told me her choice was to go back to Germany or they had an available assignment at Fort Brigg, North Carolina. I regretfully told here that I had been to Fort Brigg when by brother was in the army special forces and it wasn’t that bad of a place and if she did not want to go back, she should take that assignment.
Megan Lynn Touma appeared to be a young patriot, a proud Army Soldier believing in the integrity of our countries system. she had just reenlisted in the United States Army.
Megan Lynn Touma, a 23 year old Hispanic soldier, who was seven months pregnant when her body was found decomposing in a motel room near Fort Bragg, N.C
Houston we have a fu***** problem! Around that time in June 21, 2008 the Joint Chief was considering a 280 million dollar housing project for Fort Brigg Army Base. After this Zodiac' killer event by Megan Lynn Touma ex-boy friend (Married Sgt. Edgar Patino) the pentagon Joint Chief of Staff approved the Fort Brigg Army Base Housing Project...
Conspiracy to commit a murder! Someone at DOD had heads up on her psycho killer ex-boy friend intentions and set her up. Microwave Intelligence and organized crime, were all Fu****.
I notified the Tampa Police Department Homicide Division, a Police Detective by the name of Detective Robinson tried to contact me. I returned his call, but we never made contact... she told me she had received a strange e-mail from someone saying the pentagon was the shape as the star of the Church of Satin
May: Army specialist Megan Lynn Touma rest in peace,
I'm so sorry...
Warning there has been clear and present danger from Washington DC and Organized Crime..
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